League Rules

2023 Rules


1a  The 2019 version of the Major League Baseball official rule book (can be found at https://content.mlb.com/documents/2/2/4/305750224/2019_Official_Baseball_Rules_FINAL_.pdf) shall apply to those areas not specifically addressed by MABL of Southern Wisconsin rules.

1b In regular season games only, each extra inning will begin, for each team as it comes to bat, with a runner on second base, and no outs. The runner shall be the player who most recently completed his time at bat. This rule is not meant to supersede any time limit. Time limits for each division are spelled out, below. Section 3. This rule will not be in effect for post-season games.


2a Only wood bats are allowed. In addition to conventional one-piece wood bats (such as ash, maple, etc), allowable bats include wood composite, laminate, bamboo, and metal-wood (i.e.,metal handle and wood barrel) bats. Upon protest, the penalty for using an illegal bat will be an out for the violating player.


3a  Game Start Times and Infield/Outfield Warm-Up

  • It is the responsibility of the team managers to ensure their teams are ready to start the game at the scheduled time and receive adequate on-field warm-up time.
  • Each team is allowed to have exclusive use of the baseball field for infield/outfield, batting practice, and any other warm-up activities they wish to use the field for during their allotted period:
    • Visiting Team – Between 15 and 25 minutes before the game start time.
    • Home Team – Between 5 and 15 minutes before the game start time.
    • The last 5 minutes before game time is reserved for the umpires-managers pre-game meeting and pitcher warm-up.
  • In cases where a second game is scheduled after the first (or a third game after a second, etc.):
    • If the previous game ends at least 25 minutes before the next game’s scheduled time, the above rules shall apply.
    • If the previous game ends less than 25 minutes before the next game, the remaining time between the end of the previous game and the start of the next shall be equally split between the visiting and home teams for on-field warm-up time. There shall be a minimum of 10 minutes (5 minutes for each team) allowed between the end of the previous game and the start of the next.

3b 17+ Division (Tue/Thur) Game Format-

  • Game Length:  17+ Division games are 7 innings, unless scheduled otherwise.
  • Standard Game Times: 6:15pm and 8:30pm.
  • Time Limit: 17+ Division games are time limited. No new inning is to begin after two hours and five minutes (2:05) have elapsed since the first pitch.  Home plate umpire is the time-keeper unless he designates otherwise. If, after seven innings, or with the time limit having been reached, the game is tied, then extra innings will be played until there is a winner, with, however, no new inning to begin after two hours, fifteen minutes (2:15) have elapsed. Game to be entered as a tie, if necessary, but may also be played to completion at a later date.  To resume a tied game, both teams must agree on time and place and league is to be notified.  Games must be completed until there is a clear winner in playoff games.
  • Official Length of Shortened Game:  4 innings complete (3½ if the home team has a lead).
  • Mercy Rule:  None due to time limit.

3c  18+ Division (Sun/Sat) Game Format –

  • Game Length:  18+ Division games are 9 innings, unless scheduled otherwise.
  • Standard Game Times:  10:00am and 1:00pm
  • Time Limit:  18+ Division games are time limited. No new inning is to begin after three hours (3:00) have elapsed since the first pitch. Home plate umpire is the time-keeper unless he designates otherwise. If, after nine innings, or with the time limit having been reached, the game is tied, then extra innings will be played until there is a winner, with, however, no new inning to begin after three hours, fifteen minutes (3:15) have elapsed. Game to be entered as a tie, if necessary, but may also be played to completion at a later date. To resume a tied game, both teams must agree on time and place and league is to be notified. Games must be completed until there is a clear winner in playoff games.
  • Official Length of Shortened Game:  5 innings complete (4½ innings if the home team has a lead).
  • Mercy Rule:  If there is a 10-run discrepancy at the end of 7 or 8 innings, the game will be ruled final.

3d  35+ Division (Fri) Game Format –

  • Game Length:  35+ Division games are 7 innings, unless scheduled otherwise.
  • Standard Game Times:  6:15pm and 8:30pm
  • Time Limit:  35+ Division games are time limited.  No new inning is to begin after two hours and five minutes (2:05) have elapsed since the first pitch.  Home plate umpire is the time-keeper unless he designates otherwise. If, after seven innings, or with the time limit having been reached, the game is tied, then extra innings will be played until there is a winner, with, however, no new inning to begin after two hours, fifteen minutes (2:15) have elapsed. Games that are tied with the time limit having been reached shall be called ties and entered as such.  Games must be completed until there is a clear winner in playoff games.
  • Official Length of Shortened Game:  4 innings complete (3½ if the home team has a lead).
  • Mercy Rule:  None due to time limit.

3e 45+ Division (Sun/Sat) Game Format –

  • Game Length:  45+ Division games are 9 innings, unless scheduled otherwise.
  • Standard Game Times:  12:00 Noon and 3:00 p.m.
  • Time Limit:  45+ Division games are time limited.  No new inning is to begin after two hours, thirty minutes (2:30) have elapsed since the first pitch.  Home plate umpire is the time-keeper unless he designates otherwise. If, after nine innings, or with the time limit having been reached, the game is tied, then extra innings will be played until there is a winner, with, however, no new inning to begin after two hours, forty-five minutes (2:45) have elapsed. Game to be entered as a tie, if necessary, but may also be played to completion at a later date.  To resume a tied game, both teams must agree on time and place and league is to be notified.  Games must be completed until there is a clear winner in playoff games.
  • Official Length of Shortened Game:  5 innings complete (4½ if the home team has a lead).
  • Mercy Rule:  None due to time limit.

3f 52+ Division (Wed) Game Format –

  • Game Length:  52+ Division games are 7 innings, unless scheduled otherwise.
  • Standard Game Time:  6:30pm.
  • Time Limit:  52+ Division games are time limited.  No new inning is to begin after two and a half hours (2:30) have elapsed since the first pitch.  Home plate umpire is the time-keeper unless he designates otherwise. If, after seven innings, or with the time limit having been reached, the game is tied, then extra innings will be played until there is a winner, with, however, no new inning to begin after two hours, forty-five minutes (2:45) have elapsed. Game to be entered as a tie, if necessary, but may also be played to completion at a later date.  To resume a tied game, both teams must agree on time and place and league is to be notified.  Games must be completed until there is a clear winner in playoff games.
  • Official Length of Shortened Game:  4 innings complete (3½ if the home team has a lead).
  • Mercy Rule:   If, after 3 full innings of a regular game or during the first round of the playoffs and a team leads by 10 or more runs, then at that point the team shall bat only 9 batters for that inning and then proceed to take the field and let the losing team have their regular turn at bat. When a team reaches a ten run margin, they then can only bat a total of 9 players for that immediate inning. This shall continue until the difference in the score becomes less than 10 runs.


4a  Minimum team size:  A team must have at least eight players present for an official game and may borrow a player from an opposing team or another team with the opposing manager’s consent.  If the opposing team’s manager does not consent, it will count as a forfeit for the team who fails to start with at least eight players. Eight players will continue to be a minimum requirement throughout the game. A team may not continue with fewer than eight players at any point in a game. If a team can’t put eight players on the field for any inning, they forfeit the game at that point.

4b  Defense:  All players may be substituted for defensively, at any time, without affecting the player’s offensive status in the lineup.  Defensive substitutions, including pitchers, do not have to be announced to the opposing team.

  • If the pitcher is removed, he may re-enter to pitch only one time during the course of the game, but not in the same inning.  The removed pitcher may play any other position after being removed or no position at all.

4c  Lineups:  Each team has a hitting lineup and a defense that are independent of each other.  Players may play in the lineup, on defense, or both.

  • All offensive additions, substitutions, and/or changes must be announced to the opposing team manager and/or scorekeeper.  Only after this has been done will the added player be deemed a legal substitution.  If a team fails to announce an offensive addition/change, the player will be called out as soon as he occupies the batter’s box and the lineup will revert back to the lineup in effect prior to the player entering the game.  The unannounced player will not have officially entered the offensive lineup and is therefore still available offensively even though an out has been assessed.
  • A team manager may bat as many players as he desires, with a minimum of nine.  This means nine spots in the batting order, not, for example, nine with an A/B component in the eighth spot to yield nine players batting.
  • If a team has only eight players available, a team may play and bat eight with no automatic out in the ninth spot.  However, if/when a ninth player arrives he must be added to the end of the batting order.
  • A manager may add batters to the bottom of the lineup at any time.  However, if a batter is pinch hit or run for (except under courtesy runners as outlined in section 5), the player may not re-enter the game as a hitter but may remain in the game as a fielder or pitcher.  Added players to the bottom of the lineup may be added as individual hitters.  
  • A team MAY declare at the time that lineups are exchanged prior to the start of play that any batting order position will be occupied by two (2) players in each such batting position.  That is, 3A/3B, 10, 11A/11B, 12, etc.  The first time that position 9 gets an at bat, 9A would hit and the next time this slot hits, 9B would be up.  Then 9A hits the third time this spot in the order comes up, and so on, alternating between these two players throughout the game.  Once a team declares the use of this A/B system, it must continue using it for the remainder of the game.  Hitters in the A/B position may be pinch hit for, just as any other player.
  • Batters cannot be deleted or skipped over, regardless of their batting position or when they were added during the game.
  • If a player is forced to leave a game for any reason, including injury or ejection, a reserve player, not previously entered into the game as a hitter, must pinch hit (i.e., via substitution) in the replaced hitter’s place.  If there are no reserves who can replace the individual, the spot is skipped and all hitters below that position move up.  The first time this vacated spot comes up in the batting order, an out will be assessed.  After that one time, no out will be recorded for skipping the spot vacated by the displaced player. (Exception for 52+ Division Only: No out will be assessed if a batter is forced to leave the lineup due to injury.)


5a Each team will be allowed the maximum of two courtesy runners per game.  The courtesy runner is the player in the lineup who is not currently on base and whose spot is the furthest from becoming the batter. The courtesy runner must be in the current active (batting) lineup but a player on the bench may be entered into the lineup as a substitution according to 4.c at this time if desired.  If a batter designated as needing a courtesy runner opts to run, or forgets to get a courtesy runner and subsequently runs, he will lose his courtesy runner for the remaining portion of the game.  The offensive team that is replacing the original runner with the courtesy runner has 30 seconds to make the runner change.  If the runner is not replaced within this time period, the original runner must run and the right to use the courtesy runner for this particular batter will be forfeited for the balance of the game.  The 30 second time limit will begin at the time the umpire calls for time to allow replacement for the runner.

5b Players that will need courtesy runners must have their manager notify the opposing manager before game time.  If not so notified, the opposing manager may deny the request.

5c Once the game begins and the full complement of two courtesy runners has not been used, an additional courtesy runner may be used in the case that a player sustains an injury.

5d Once a game begins and the full complement of two courtesy runners has been used, an additional courtesy runner may not be used in the case that a player sustains an injury.  A pinch runner (i.e., substitution) must be used and no courtesy runner will be allowed.  If no pinch runners are available, then the team must take an out.

5e In time-limited games (all divisions are now time-limited), a courtesy runner may be used for the catcher when there are 2 outs in order to help speed up the game play.  This does not count against the regular two allotted courtesy runners.  This is for catchers only; Pitchers and other players may not receive this type of courtesy runner with 2 outs unless they are one of the team’s two assigned batters who will be courtesy run for.


6a No player while pitching may wear white or gray sleeves, nor may a pitcher wear a batting glove or wristband (on his throwing hand) while pitching.

6b If a pitcher hits 4 batters in any one game, the pitcher must be removed on the fourth hit batsman.

6c 52+ Division Only: A pitcher is allowed to complete a maximum of 5.0 innings (15 outs) pitched per game.


7a  Unnecessary and violent collisions that may occur between a baserunner and the catcher at home plate or an infielder at a base shall be avoided.  The intent of this rule is to encourage baserunners and defensive players to avoid such collisions whenever possible.

(1) When there is a collision between a runner and a fielder who is in possession of the ball, the umpire shall judge:

(a) Whether the collision by the runner was avoidable (could the runner have reached the base without colliding) or unavoidable (the runner’s path to the base was blocked), and

(b) Whether the runner actually was attempting to reach the base (or plate) or attempting to collide with and dislodge the ball from the fielder.

PENALTY – If the runner: a) could have avoided the collision and reached the base or b) attempted to dislodge the ball, the runner shall be declared out even if the fielder loses possession of the ball.  The ball is dead and all other base runners shall return to the last base touched at the time of the interference.

(c) If the fielder blocks the path of the base runner to the base (or plate), the runner may make slide into and contact a fielder as long as the runner is making a legitimate attempt to reach the base or plate.

(d) If the collision by the runner was intentional, the runner shall be declared out and also ejected from the contest.  The ball shall be declared dead.

(2) When there is a collision as a result of the defensive player blocking the base (or plate) or base line without possession of the ball, the umpire shall judge:

(a) If the defensive player is in the act of making a play on the batted or thrown ball, then the base runner must either slide or give up his right to the base or base path (avoid a collision by sliding, stopping, or leaving the base path).  If a collision does occur under these circumstances and the runner could have avoided the collision, the runner shall be declared out.  The ball is dead and all other base runners shall return to the last base touched at the time of the interference.

(b) If the defensive player is not in the act of making a play on the batted or thrown ball, then he cannot block the base or be in the base path so as to impede (obstruct) the base runner’s right to that base or base path. Under such circumstances, the defensive player shall be responsible to avoid collision. If a collision does occur under these circumstances, obstruction shall be called.  The runner will be safe and an immediate dead ball shall be called.

(c) If the defensive player collides intentionally, the defensive player shall be ejected from the game and may be suspended from league play if the obstruction is judged to be flagrant.

(d) If the base runner collides intentionally, the runner shall be ejected from the game and may be suspended from league play if the obstruction is judged to be flagrant.

7b Decoy rule: Any fielder may use a decoy if it serves a strategic purpose and does not add injury risk, e.g. by causing a runner to slide unnecessarily.  

(a) For example, if a fielder, who sees a base runner attempting to steal second base during a hit and run, looks upward into the sky and says that he’s got the pop-up when in fact the ball has been hit on the ground is a legal decoy as it may cause the runner to retreat to first base and prevent him from advancing.

(b) However, if a fielder fakes a tag, without the ball, possibly inducing the runner to slide, the runner will be advanced to the next base and all other runners will also advance to the next base.

(c) This is entirely an umpire judgment decision and not a rule that may be protested.

7.c Force Play Slide Rule: The intent of the Force Play Slide Rule is to ensure the safety of the defensive player.  This is a safety as well as an interference rule.  Whether the defense could have completed a double play has no bearing on the applicability of this rule.  This rule pertains to a force-play situation at any base (except first), regardless of the number of outs.

(a) On any force play, the runner must slide on the ground and in a direct line between the two bases.  EXCEPTION – A runner need not slide directly into a base as long as the runner slides or runs in a direction away from the fielder to avoid making contact or altering the play of the fielder.

(i) “On the ground” means either a head-first slide or a slide with one leg and buttock on the ground.

(ii) “Directly into a base” means the runner’s entire body (feet, legs, trunk and arms) must stay in a straight line between the bases.

(iii) If a runner goes into a base standing up and does not make contact or alter the play of the defensive player, interference shall not be called.

(b) Contact with a fielder is legal and interference shall not be called if the runner:

(i) Makes a legal slide directly to the base;

(ii) Is on the ground at the time of contact and the fielder moves directly down the line between the two bases to attempt a play;

(iii) Makes a legal slide and makes contact with a defensive player who is on or over, but not beyond, the base; or

(iv) Slides beyond the base, but does not make contact with or alter the play of the defensive player.

(c) Actions by a runner are illegal and interference shall be called if:

(i) The runner slides or runs out of the base line in the direction of the fielder;

(ii) The runner uses a rolling, cross-body, or pop-up slide and either makes contact with or alters the play of a fielder;

(iii) The runner’s raised leg makes contact higher than the fielder’s knee when in a standing position;

(iv) The runner goes beyond the base and either makes contact with or alters the play of the fielder;

(a) “Beyond the base” means any part of the offensive player’s body makes contact with or alters the play of the fielder beyond the base.

(v) The runner slashes or kicks the fielder with either leg; or

(vi) The runner illegally slides toward or contacts the fielder even if the fielder makes no attempt to throw to complete a play.


(a) With less than two outs, the batter-runner, as well as the interfering runner, shall be declared out and no other runner(s) shall advance.

(b) With two outs, the interfering runner shall be declared out and no other runner(s) shall advance.

(c) If the runner’s slide or collision is flagrant, the runner shall be ejected from the contest.

(d) If the bases are loaded with no outs, a double-play attempt is made, and interference is called, then all other runners must return to their original bases.Updated 04/21/17

General Policies


8a First Aid – All teams must have a basic first aid kit on site for all games.  Suggested contents include instant ice packs, gauze, bandages, disinfectant, and other simple supplies that can be self-administered.

8b Helmets – All batters and runners must wear helmets with at least one earflap facing the pitcher.   Catchers must wear a helmet underneath their mask.  Full double-earflap helmets are encouraged for all batters and runners.  Base coaches are encouraged to wear helmets while on the field of play.


9a An umpire has sole discretion to expel any player or manager from the game.

9b Managers and players shall conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner at all times.  Any action that risks, threatens, or results in injury or property damage as well as any action that jeopardizes relations with field organizations and umpires is grounds for ejection from the game and suspension by the league. After a player is expelled from the game, there is an automatic additional 1 game suspension for a first violation, a 3 game suspension for a second ejection in 1 calendar year, and a permanent expulsion from playing in MABL/MSBL of Southern WI after a 3rd ejection in 1 calendar year. These suspensions are subject to appeal as outlined in section 9e.

9c No manager or player shall commit the following:

  1. Lay a hand upon, shove or strike, or threaten an official. Players and managers guilty of such conduct shall be immediately suspended from further participation in the game and shall remain suspended until his conduct is reviewed by the board of directors.  Players and managers guilty of such conduct shall be subject to suspension for the remainder of the season or expulsion from the league for life.
  2. Refuse to abide by an official’s decision.  Players guilty of such conduct shall be immediately suspended from further participation in the game and shall remain suspended until his conduct is reviewed by the board of directors.  Players guilty of such conduct shall be subject to probation or suspension for the remainder of the season.
  3. Be guilty of objectionable demonstrations of dissent at an official’s decision.  Players and managers guilty of such conduct shall be subject to suspension from further participation in the game.
  4. Discuss with an official or officials the decision reached by such official or officials, except for the manager or his designee who are authorized to participate in such discussions.  Players guilty of such conduct shall be subject to suspension from further participation in the game.
  5. Use unnecessarily rough tactics in the play of the game against the body or person of an opposing player. Players guilty of such conduct shall be immediately suspended from further participation in the game and shall be subject to probation or suspension for the remainder of the season.
  6. Be guilty of physical attack as an aggressor upon any player, manager, official, or spectator, before, during, or after a game.  Players guilty of such conduct shall be immediately suspended from further participation in the game and shall remain suspended until their conduct is reviewed by the board of directors.  Players guilty of such conduct shall be subject to suspension for the remainder of the season or expulsion from the league for life.
  7. Be guilty of verbal abusive attack upon any player, manager, official, or spectator, before, during, or after a game.  Players guilty of such conduct shall be immediately suspended from further participation in the game and shall remain suspended until their conduct is reviewed by the board of directors.  Players guilty of such conduct shall be subject to suspension for the remainder of the season.
  8. Consume alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs during the game or be upon the field of play at any time in an intoxicated condition.  Players guilty of such conduct shall be immediately suspended from further participation in the game and shall be subject to probation or suspension for the remainder of the season.
  9. Smoke on the field of play or in the dugout. Players guilty of such conduct shall be immediately suspended from further participation in the game.

9d Penalties

  1. The Board of Directors may, by vote of the majority of the directors, suspend any player or manager for such a period and upon such terms as it may propose, for conduct which in its opinion is detrimental to the welfare, interest, reputation, or character of the league.
  2. Except as otherwise provided, the President shall determine the appropriate action required for violations of the codes of conduct, and shall report their decision to the player, manager and the board of directors. (Suspensions exceeding 1 game require a vote of the Board of Directors.)
  3. A player found in violation of any provision delineated in the codes of conduct, after being suspended from further participation in a game shall automatically be placed on probation for the remainder of the season.
  4. Any player found in violation of any provisions delineated in the codes of conduct, after being placed on probation for the remainder of the season can be suspended for the remainder of the season.

9e  Grievances, protests, and appeals

  1. Grievances may be filed by an individual player or by the manager of a team provided that a grievance is formally submitted to the President or appropriate board.  The President shall adjudicate all such grievances and shall report any action taken to the board of directors.
  2. An appeal of any action or ruling may be filed with the board of directors by an individual player or by the manager of a team provided that the appeal is formally submitted.  However, all decisions by the board of directors are final and not subject to appeal.

9f  Suspensions may be used for infractions unbecoming to the image and policies of the league.


10a Baseballs – Each team should bring a minimum of two balls to each game. Only balls provided by the local league will be permitted.

10b Uniforms – All teams must have full baseball uniforms consisting of caps, numbered baseball jerseys, baseball pants, belt and game socks.  Each player’s uniform must be of similar design to his teammates’ uniforms. Teams having sponsorship will be allowed the sponsor’s name on their uniforms via patch or uniform shirt.

  • No player out of uniform will be allowed to play without the opposing manager’s consent, or special consideration by the board of directors.
  • All teams should have their uniforms by their first game. A grace period should be extended for newly activated players or for new teams to complete their uniforms.

10c Umpire fees – In a game serviced by two umpires, each team pays one umpire before the beginning of the game.  Umpire fees shall be:

  • $120 per regular 9-inning game (including extra innings);
  • $100 per regular 7-inning game (including extra innings);
  • $10/inning ($30 minimum) for unofficial 9-inning game (less than 5 innings completed);
  • $10/inning ($30 minimum) for unofficial 7-inning game (less than 4 innings completed);
  • $30 for drive to game if field was initially playable but rain subsequently makes field unplayable and no innings are played.
  • $50 (9 inning game) or $40 (7 inning game) if less than one hour notice of rain out or heat cancellation.
  • $50 (9 inning game) or $40 (7 inning game) if umpires not notified of a forfeit 24 hours prior to scheduled game start. Forfeiting team to pay both umpires.
  • Games will be forfeited if a team cannot field at least eight players within fifteen minutes of the scheduled start time. If a forfeit occurs a practice game is encouraged with the umpires paid accordingly ($100 for a nine inning game, $80 for a seven inning game).
  • If a team forfeits and no practice game is played umpires must be paid for the full scheduled game. $100 for a nine inning game. $80 for a seven inning game.
  • If a team cannot pay the umpires at the time of a forfeited game the league treasurer will be notified and the umpires will be paid promptly; league to be reimbursed by non-paying team or teams.
  • If none of the above-mentioned scenarios apply and the umpires believe they deserve compensation the league umpire coordinator may appeal to the board. Decisions will be made on a case by case basis with no precedents being set.  


11a Game results are not final until each team’s statistics are posted to the league website. The winning team is responsible for posting final score and line score.  This should be done within 51 hours from the scheduled start time, i.e. 48 hours from the game’s conclusion. If the score is not entered within that time the winning team will forfeit the win; it will count as a no contest. The losing team will still get a loss.

Teams are responsible for entering their own box scores. One full week will be allowed to get this done. One week means 171 hours from the scheduled start time, i.e. 168 hours (24 hrs. x 7 days) from the game’s conclusion.  Statistics are an important tool for fostering general interest in the league, as well as documenting player eligibility for local and national tournaments in a transparent way. If these statistics are not entered within the allotted time, no player’s participation in the game shall count for post-season eligibility purposes.  

11b Final league standings will be determined by won/lost percentage.  

2-way ties will be decided by, in order:

  • Head-to-head record
  • Record against the highest finishing team not involved in the tie (if there are 2 or more teams also tied, not involved in the tie being broken, then the aggregate record vs. these tied teams will be considered)
  • Continue comparing record against the next highest finishing team(s) not involved with the tie
  • Run differential in games against other team involved in tie (Maximum of 10 runs in nine inning games. Maximum of 7 runs in seven inning games.)
  • Run differential in all games (Subject to maximum described above.)

    3-way (or greater) ties will be decided by, in order:
  • Record in games against teams involved in tie
  • Record against highest finishing team(s) not involved in tie.
  • Record against next highest finishing team(s) not involved in tie. Continue in this manner until tie is broken. If a tie continues to exist after a team is or teams are eliminated, begin again from the first step.
    Run differential in games against other teams involved in tie. (Subject to maximum described above.)
    Run differential in all games. (Subject to maximum described above.)
  • Final tie breaker in all scenarios is draw straws.

    Note the following in determining final standings and tie-breakers:
    • All official games, including shortened games (for example, due to rain), are included in the tie-breaker equation.
    • For purposes of definition, the term “record” used above indicates winning percentage.  A 2-0 (1.000) record is not considered better than a 1-0 (1.000) record, but it is considered better than a 1-1 (0.500) record.

11c Game Cancellations –

  • Scheduled games may be canceled due to conditions or forecasted conditions that relate to compromised field conditions from rain, high heat index conditions, and darkness/light failure.  Cancelling games is a judgement call made by (in order of authority):

1) The local field organization/groundskeeper (i.e., to protect field quality).

2a) The MABL Board – The Board may cancel games in cases where heavy rain or a high heat index is expected with a high degree of certainty in advance of the scheduled games (i.e., to protect player and umpire safety).  In cases where the Board cancels games, it must be done at least 1 hour before the scheduled game time and with enough time for the home team to notify umpires and avoid umpires’ travel fees, and would typically be the night before or early in the morning of the scheduled games.

2b) An excessive heat warning will be issued when the daytime heat index will be 105 or higher during the day AND 75 or higher at night for at least a 48 hour period.  If heat advisory conditions are expected for 4 consecutive days or more (heat indices 100 to 104), then an excessive heat warning will be issued. 

Remember, if heat index values reach 105 degrees or more, sun-stroke, heat cramps or heat exhaustion are likely with prolonged exposure and/or physical activity.

3) The team managers – The two affected team managers have final say in whether to cancel the scheduled game.  This shall be a collaborative process made on-site at the field, and will normally use weather forecasts/radar, field conditions, and the input of the field manager/groundskeeper whenever possible.

  • In the event of a cancelled game, it is the sole responsibility of the home team to notify the umpires of the cancellation of the game at least 1 hour before scheduled game time.  The home team shall notify the umpires before their own players.  In the event such notification to the umpires does not take place, the home team will be solely responsible for the umpires’ travel fees not to exceed $20 per umpire.  (If the decision is made mutually between the two managers within the 1 hour time window – for example, if the expected weather had looked favorable but then the weather pattern changes – then both teams will equally share the umpire fees.)
  • In the case of heat index, the league may decide to cancel a game if the National Weather Service issues a “Heat Advisory” or “Excessive Heat Warning” which covers any portion of the game.  In cases of games played with high heat index conditions (for example, heat index greater than 90 deg), managers may decide to play an official, shortened game (for example 7 innings instead of 9) with unanimous consent.
  • Individual cancelled games will be re-scheduled collaboratively between the league and managers at a time not conflicting with previously scheduled games.  If a whole day/night of games is rained out, the league will generally reschedule them at the end of the regular season.  If a partial day of games is rained out, the league may consider rescheduling them for a weeknight or another weekend day (such as a Saturday) as to not delay the regular season.
  • In the case that a team forfeits for any reason, including shortage of players, and fails to notify the opposing team and all umpires at least 1 hour before the scheduled game time, that forfeiting team will be solely responsible for the umpires’ travel fees not to exceed $30 per umpire.

    4) Once the game begins, the Umpire-in-Chief is solely responsible for finalizing, delaying, suspending or canceling the game as defined in the official baseball rules for completed and suspended games.

11d Shortened Games –

  • Regular season games may be shortened due to unanticipated circumstances that make the game unplayable, such as rain, lightning, darkness/light failure, or curfew. Unplayable conditions due to rain are determined by, in order:  1) The field organization/groundskeeper, and 2) Collaborative agreement by the managers.  Safety conditions due to lightning or darkness may be called by the umpires.
  • In the case of a 9 inning game / 5 innings complete (adjust for a 7 inning game / 4 innings complete):
    • If a game has completed the top half of the 5th (or later) inning and the home team is ahead when the game is called, the game is officially complete.
    • If a game has completed the bottom half of the 5th (or later) inning and either team is ahead when the game is called, the game is officially complete.
    • If a game has completed the bottom half of the 5th (or later) inning and the teams are tied when the game is called, the game is suspended.  It will be rescheduled and resumed at a later date.
    • If at least 5 innings have been completed and the game is called prior to the completion of a subsequent inning in which the visiting team has scored to take the lead (and the home team has not completed their at-bats), the game is suspended.  It will be rescheduled and resumed at a later date.
    • If none of the previous scenarios apply, the game cannot be deemed official.  The umpire declares “No Game,” and the game will be rescheduled and will be replayed from the start.
    • Exception:  Postseason games, regardless of inning, will be considered suspended and will be continued from the point of stoppage when play resumes, no matter if the game has not reached the requirements above.  Postseason games must be played to their full length to be official.

11e Protests – All protests should be lodged to the league protest committee/board within 24 hours after the game for which the protest is made. All protests shall be decided by the league board of directors and/or protest committee.


12a  Team rosters must be submitted to the local league by the date requested by the Treasurer and/or Secretary, including league and player fees, date of birth, player waiver forms and team medical waiver form.  Roster terms and additions are set by the Treasurer each year.  Local League fee to be determined prior to the beginning of the season.  Final team rosters must have no fewer than 12 players.

12b All players, prior to participating in a game, must have signed waiver forms on file with the team manager.

12c Last names must be used in the scorebook to allow for player identification for follow up inquiries that relate to playoff and national tournament participation requiring minimum playing requirements.

12d Two forfeits by any team could mean immediate expulsion from the league with no money refunded to the team.  The Board of Directors will evaluate circumstances before rendering a decision.

12e Minimum Age Requirements for Players:

  • A player in any division (17+/18+/35+/45+/52+) is eligible to participate in an official league sanctioned game in the respective division provided his 17th/18th/35th/45th/52nd birthday falls within the calendar year of the played season, or before.
  • Failure to abide by age regulations – the managers must all recognize their responsibility to the league and the perpetuity of it as to not cross the line where winning is more important than playing. An opposing manager may at anytime have the right to question a player’s age. If a manager wants to lodge a protest, proof of age and residence must be mailed to the manager who lodged his protest by Friday of the following week. If an underage player is detected, penalties whether to the individual or team will be decided by the league president and board of directors. As a national precedent, the penalties will be forfeiture of all games in which the underage player participated and a minimum two-year suspension. If the manager had prior knowledge he is subject to similar suspension.

12f A player must be out of pro-ball for 3 complete MABL/MSBL seasons before becoming eligible to participate.  Pro-ball refers to major and minor leagues. Independent leagues are to be considered separately.

12g Regional and National Tournament Eligibility – Only MSBL and MABL leagues are eligible for all MSBL and MABL sanctioned regional and national tournaments, unless waived by national tournament committee.  Determination of eligibility to participate in MSBL/MABL regional and national tournament competition will be based solely on the decision of MSBL/MABL National Tournament Rules Committee.  In general, no player will be allowed to participate in a regional or national tournament unless the player has participated in at least 50% of his regular season MSBL/MABL games.

12h MSBL/MABL of Southern WI Local Playoff Eligibility –

  • An MSBL/MABL of Southern WI player has to have played in at least 33% of his team’s games to be playoff eligible, no exceptions.  There are no “played in a significant way” requirements for this type of player.
  • A player who has missed any games due to playing in another adult baseball league (HTL, RRL, other area MSBL leagues, or similar) shall have played in at least 50% of his team’s games to be playoff eligible, no exceptions.  This type of player shall be considered to have played in a game if it is “in a significant way”: (a) he has at least three (3) plate appearances in the game, or (b) pitches at least three (3) innings.
  • Each team manager is responsible for submitting their preliminary postseason roster for review by all managers and league officials at least 1 week before the first postseason game.  All submitted players’ statistics must be clearly and completely shown on the league’s website for verification at this time.  These rosters will become finalized at the end of the regular season.  This 1-week duration is intended as a review period for transparency by all teams.

12i Player Movement: All players wishing to change teams and all new players entering the league will join teams following the league’s Team and Player Addition Policy.  Each manager shall familiarize himself with this document. The link to it is below:
