About Our League

What is the MABL/MSBL?

The Men’s Senior Baseball League and Men’s Adult Baseball League (MSBL/MABL) is a national organization founded in 1988 that has grown to more than 325 local leagues, 3,200 teams, and over 45,000 members. It is real baseball at a competitive level on a regular basis in a professionally run environment.  Our local league, MABL of Southern Wisconsin, offers five divisions:

  • Open Division: Weekends (Sundays at 10am and 1pm, w/ an occasional Saturday game)
  • Open Division: Weeknights (Tuesday and/or Thursday evening. Usually one game per week)
  • 32+ Division: Join us Friday nights at 6:15 and 8:30 pm. [GET READY – NEW LOWER AGE LIMIT FOR 2025!]
  • 45+ Division: Sunday afternoons at 1 and 4 pm
  • 52+Wednesday evenings at 6 pm

The MABL of Southern Wisconsin teams play in full uniforms on groomed fields in the Madison area with experienced and qualified umpires.  Experience the camaraderie and friendships with others that are passionate about this great game!  

Interested in joining a team?  Add your name to the Player Pool. Names added before April 1st will get notified about pre-season draft days. Names added after April 1st may only hear from managers as rosters allow.

Have a team already and looking to switch leagues? Email info@mablsouthernwisconsin.com and we will connect with you to discuss next steps.