Season: 2022

The 2022 Season!

Rangers vs Sand Crabs

The Rangers scored 5 runs in the bottom of the ninth inning to tie the Sand Crabs as time ran out.  Final score: Rangers 10, Sand Crabs 10.

Now, let me elaborate a bit if you will……

It was a beautiful day at EMLL after a night of soaking rain failed to spoil the prospect of fun for a bunch of old men.  The field was pristine.  The game?  Not so much.  Only 9 of the 20 runs scored on the day were earned.  Ooof.

Mike Wallace started for the visiting (again) Crabs, while Jason Witt chucked pearls for the Rangers.  Wally went 7 strong, throwing a gem and holding the mighty Rangers to 3 UER, scattering 5 hits, walking none and striking out 3. Witt went 4 innings, holding the Crabs to 6 tallies, striking out 3, and allowing 6 hits.  Jeff Kunkel relieved Witt in the 5th, and went the rest of the way for the non-win for the Rangers, whilst Crabs reliever Steve Hill entered in the 8th and got the non-loss, after not missing any barrels and making catcher Brian Buol work much harder than he deserved.  He didn’t balk though, so that’s a positive, right?

There were hits, there were stolen bases, there were nice plays, nice tries, and there were gaffs.  All 24 people in attendance agreed that the game was exciting.

They say there is no crying in baseball.  A wise man once said there is also no tying in baseball.  Sisters were kissed, celebrations were “meh”, but in the end, we are all still good people.

Post game refreshments were still refreshing, despite the anti-climactic, soccer-like, non-ending.  While I can’t speak for the Rangers quench of choice, I can say that Slice’s did (again) run out of Schlitz.  We turned to the lesser taste from the land of sky blue waters, waters, from the land of pines, lofty balsams.  And we had a few cheese curds, which are always a winner.

Tune in next week when the Sand Crabs face off against the Orioles, and the Rangers battle the Grays.  Peace!