Division: 45+ Division
Sunday League for players 45+
Rangers at Crawfords
The Crawfords brought the big bats to Ahuska for the first game of our season and beat the Rangers by a score of 9-2.
Orioles at Sand Crabs
The Sand Crabs beat the Orioles 14-6 in a time shortened game played at Ahuska Park, in a game pitched skillfully by the venerable Mike Wallace and relieved scorelessly and hitlessly by Troy Galston. Tom Scalissi had a 4 hit day (ho-hum) but was relieved of his SPOG status by one Greg O’Donnell, who is really adjusting well to retirement. Good times were had on Lake Waubesa afterward, celebrating in style with some Blanton’s, burgers, and of course, Schlitz. We even had a visit with retired Crab and current yachtsman Brian Wagner, and had a ride on his pontoon yacht, complete with service from Fred Grandy, AKA “Gopher” or yeoman purser Smith. It was a great day. Then we all went straight home. Except for JP, ’cause he was already there. Awwww. Thanks for hosting, Jim and Janet!
From the infirmary, Jim Pliner is nearing return from nearly fractured ribs, suffered in a nearly graceful fall while nearly catching an infield fly, while he was landed on by a nearby shortstop who was not nearly as graceful. I won’t mention any names, but his initials are Troy Galston.
Absent from the Crabs on Sunday were Jason Himebauch, Randy Gaber, Rich Rydecki, Barry Davis, Mike Schoonveld, and Tim McInernay. Some had other commitments, but Gaber was the victim of some bad poi after a night of singing the karaoke version of “Tiny Bubbles” in our 50th state. If its any consolation, he did win the contest. Ask him to sing it for you, he’s pretty good I guess.