Season: 2024

The 2024 Season!

Rangers at Sand Crabs

It was a beautiful, sun-washed day on Sunday, May 19, 2024 when the home 1-0 Sand Crabs faced off against the visiting 1-0 Rangers in a battle of unbeatens in the 45+ division of the Men’s Adult Baseball League of Southern Wisconsin. On the mound for the Sand Crabs was the venerable Randy Gaber, and manning the rectangle for the Rangers was the musician extraordinaire Jeff Kunkle.

Chris Gustaf led off with a bunt single in the first for the Rangers but was promptly picked off by Gaber. After that, both teams went down relatively quietly in their part of the first inning. The Rangers scored one in the top of the second, when Sean Fennell lead off with a double and later scored on an error. The Crabs washed-up their hands and headed to the second, where they got one run when CF Jason Himebach reached on an error, was advanced on a single by Mike Wallace, went to second on a ground out by Brian Buol, and then scored on a single by rookie phenom Bill Grahn.

Things were quiet in the third for both squads, although Brian Buol imposed his SPOG will in the top of the third by throwing out a would-be base-stealer, his second of two on the day. He then followed that up with a two – one – three pick off of an advancing runner who apparently may have received unreliable intelligence report from his first base coach. 

Kunkle singled, followed by Jason Witt with another single, Sean Fennell with another single, and Lou Rodriguez with another single. If you think they were done with singles, I have news for you, they were not. Paul Yurkovich had another, but after that Mario Walsh was the third strike out victim. However, by this time the Rangers had scored two runs on RBIs by Finnel and Yurkovich.

In their half of the fourth, the Crabs let out a rather quiet whimper, with one hit and that’s it. Kind of like “One call, that’s all”, but without the advertising budget.

In the fifth, Gaber shut down the Rangers in a 1-2-3 inning, and Kunkle returned the favor, shutting down the Crabs 123. 3-1 Rangers after 5.

In the sixth inning, Lou Rodriguez came in to pitch for the Rangers and Mike Wallace came in for the Sand Crabs. The Rangers struck first of course, since they were the visiting team, and scored one run when Kunkle was knocked in by Rodriguez after each were hit by a pitch. It wasn’t the same pitch of course as that would be really something. Jason Witt and Fennell had singles in between these two hit batsmen to make things possible. Rangers were up 4-1.

As a hush washed over the capacity crowd approaching 20, the Sand Crabs were secretly rallying after whispers reached the top brass that they were washed up. Top brass got back to the Crabs and relayed that of course they are washed up, we’re all washed up at this age!

Nevertheless, they persisted, clawing back for 3 in the bottom of the 6th to knot things up at 4 to 4, or as they say in Canada, 4 to 4, eh?

In the seventh, Wally held the Rangers scoreless after a walk to catcher Dale Doebert, and a single to left by Chris Witt. He then struck out Nate Venckus and Barber grounded 5-3 to finish the frame. In the Crab seventh, offensive SPOG (Schlitz Player Of Game) Jason Himebach singled with a Baltimore chop over leaping third baseman Terry Helena‘s head. He then went to second when a backpick was unsuccessful, and advanced to third on a wild pitch and then home on a wild pitch. This brought the score to 5 to 4 and there would be no more. The Rangers had one last chance in the top of the eighth, prior to the game, reaching time limit. Gustaf popped out to first, Kunkle singled, Jason Witt also singled, and Sean Fennell ripped a laser to left that was caught by rookie phenom Pete Mand. Lou Rodriguez, then hit another laser which was fielded by the svelte waistline and possibly the cup of Crabs 3B Jim Pliner, who picked clean this rocket and threw to first to finish the game. 5 to 4 Sand Crabs.

Leaders for the Rangers at the plate were Jason Witt and Sean Fennell with three hits each, followed by two hits by Kunkle and Rodriguez. For the Crabs, the only hitter with two hits was Tom Scalisi, and Bill Grahn, Mike Wallace, Jason Himebauch, Jim Pliner, Troy Galston, Barry Davis, and Chris McGill each had a hit, with Galston‘s double being the only extra base hit on the day for Le Crabs. Davis also scored a run for the Crabs in his triumphant return, bouncing back to the Big League club following a year with the Rubberband Crabs, where he was “binding” his time, awaiting the opportunity to return. Welcome back, B!

Both squads are off next week as we pay homage to our troops and their sacrifices.

Peace. Out.